Thursday, January 16, 2014


I'm currently home, raising support for being in Haiti this spring, and talking to schools about teaching in the fall. And I wanted to do a short little post because I'm writing thank you notes and praising the Lord for all of the faithful people in my life.

people faithful to sacrifice their money
people faithful to believe in me and what I'm doing
people faithful to obey the Lord and give to what He's doing globally
people faithful to invest in the redemption plan that God has for Haiti
people faithful to give so that there can be hope and life transformation brought to Haiti

this is what faith can do.

Thankful for you! Praying for you!

A Late New Years Post

Inspired by the Instagram trend on New Year's Eve to create a "Flipagram" of pictures from 2013, I decided to blog some pictures from 2013. 

In 2013...

I skied with the best

I enjoyed some good concerts

 Checked things off of our Senior Year bucket list like this one: mattress surfing

I moved out of a dorm for the last time...
 and realized I have way too much stuff!

 I graduated!

Cyd graduated!


Meghan got married!

Ally had a baby!

I ventured to Haiti

Spent lots of Sunday mornings with little ones like this

Made lots of new friends

Laughed over many games of cards

Made trips into Port au Prince

Celebrated my birthday in Haiti

And made it home in time for Christmas!

I'm left with the reminder that God, oh He is faithful. And so good. And I don't deserve a bit of this. Thank you Jesus for who you are and the life you have given me!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Exciting News!!

Blog readers,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! 

I'm humbled and excited to say that I will be returning to Mission of Hope this Spring! I will return based on when support comes in and I will stay until the beginning of June. To sum up my time with MOH this past Fall, I was so humbled to be a part of what God is doing in Haiti and through Mission of Hope! What a privilege it was to be a part of that community and what a joy it will be to return!

I have been asked to work with Child Sponsorship as well as with Mobilization. My days will look a little different this time as I will be using my organizational, administrative gifting.When I was in Haiti this Fall, I had the opportunity to help out in Child Sponsorship a few times and enjoyed it so much!  I will be working alongside a great staff member and assisting her with facilitating child sponsorship visits, sponsor letters, sponsor gifts, and facilitating profile cards. I'm passionate about education, so I'm very excited to be doing what I can to make education possible for the children in Haiti!

This link will tell you more about our Child Sponsorship program. 

I will also get to to take on some intern responsibilities when things get busy. I will greet/welcome teams, lead tours, and lead teams as I'm needed. I'm also excited to meet the new interns and be able to encourage them as I have been where they are.

I'm humbled to have been asked to come back and serve. I'm so thankful to the Lord for this opportunity to go back to Haiti before starting my teaching career in the Fall. I believe He has set this up for "such a time as this." 

This ministry opportunity is only possible through your prayers and financial support. I'm so thankful for how support has allowed the Gospel to advance thus far and I kindly ask that you pray about  supporting Haiti through me. If you're interested in supporting me, you can click this link below. Please put my name in the "additional info" box so that Mission of Hope knows where the money should go. Where it asks you to "Choose a Program" keep it on "General Fund" category. 
If you would also be so kind to email me and let me know if you give so that I am able to keep track of my support.

With love and thanks,
Brittany Donnelly