Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Learning to be more relational

I am a very task-oriented person. It's easy for my brain to be go go go. Focused on what's next and what still needs to be done. It's satisfying for me to cross things off of a to-do list and feel productive.I'm constantly generating lists and will even make lists of (good) things to do on my days off. While this can be beneficial and is often a helpful thing for me to stay focused, it can be a hindrance as well.

I have been so encouraged by my coworker Brooke and her faith. From working with her I'm stretched so often to put that list mentality on the back burner and open my eyes to the people to love around us. I'm reminded that you can't treat people like a to-do list. They're real and they need real time, care, love, and intention.

I'll share a quick story that stopped me in my to-do list tracks.

It's been a long day in the office, we have to leave at 3:30 because the school offices are closing but we're overwhelmed with work that we still need to finish before calling it a day. So as we walk home up the hill, we're talking out what else we still need to do and Brooke stops mid conversation to notice a mom carrying her sick baby outside of the clinic. And right there, without hesitation, used what creole she knew to ask the mom how the baby was and to pray. Brooke took a moment to step away from her agenda and step into what the Holy Spirit was promoting her to do. You see God has a far better, more eternal agenda going on that I so often neglect. It would have been so easy for me to tell the lady good afternoon in creole and walk right by. In fact, that's probably exactly what would have happened if Brooke wasn't walking with me. Instead, that lady was given a little hope as Brooke pleaded to the Father on her behalf for His presence in her life and for the healing of her precious child.

 I'm so thankful to be working with such Christlike staff and for the way I'm constantly growing in my faith here.

Oh that I would shift my eyes from my own agenda to be in tune with the agenda of the Father; rescuing his people back to Himself. That I wouldn't be so caught up in my selfish world of to-do lists; fleeting list of things added and crossed off that never seem to end, that I miss out on all God has set before me. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

February Highlights

I had every intention of keeping you guys updated once a week and then the internet went out for about a week, so those plans failed! Ha.

Since I'm updating you on a few weeks of life here in Haiti I'll just hit on a few highlights.

Sometimes I get to stop by the classrooms and snap a few pics of these cuties!

All smiles at the new playground in Leveque!

Critters in my room. Always. No matter what I do. I'm defeated.

I'm always too afraid to kill these guys because I hate the crunch it makes so then my roommates hate me because these little guys sometimes make it into their rooms. Hehe.

It's hard to have clean feet in Haiti. Don't judge us!

This is my Haiti home!

It rocks to live with a hairdressers daughter.

Felt so loved on Valentines day!


Found an old friend at the school in Minoterie! So much joy!

We've been trying our hand at some grilling.

Looks good! Am I right?

Love walking up the hill after work to see these little friends.

We're working on saying my name. :) It's a tough one, especially the "Br" part.

One of the most restful days off for lunch at the beach!

Fried goat! Yum!